What We Do

A greener tomorrow

More motivations to go solar

At Solar Mart, we provide your house or company with clean, affordable solar energy.

Residential Solar Installation

Save Your Money

Residential Solar Installation

Save on your electricity bills, reduce your carbon footprint and increase the value of your home.

Commercial Solar Installation

Powering the Transition

Commercial Solar Installation

Investing in technology and research since it is extremely competitive, and we want to make sure we stay on top of things.

On Grid / Off Grid Solar Installation

More Confident

On Grid / Off Grid Solar Installation

Our chosen partners are people we have a close, personal relationship with. Be confident that we are collaborating with reputable industry leaders.

System Commissioning

Clean Energy

System Commissioning

By adopting solar, you're doing your part to minimize Sri Lanka's carbon impact and preserve its natural environment.

Energy Storage Solutions

Excellent Quality, Reliable Partners

Energy Storage Solutions

We believe solar energy has a tremendous chance of significantly boosting Sri Lanka's energy supply.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Meet the Experts

Monitoring and Maintenance

We think we can make substantial advancements toward achieving that goal through our specialized strategy that is focused on consumer needs.